Why Coaching?
People ask me all the time, what exactly is coaching, and why would I hire a coach?
Coaching gives you the time and space to reflect on what’s working in your life and what’s not, and to set out a path to help you get what you most desire in life. You work together with your coach, addressing your own agenda in an unbiased, nonjudgmental environment. How often do you get to experience that?
In our coaching together, we’ll embark in a thought-provoking, creative process that helps you to:
take stock of where you are in your life
discover what’s draining you and getting in the way of what you really want
identify your superpowers, values, passions and dreams
create a vision for your future and strategies to get there
gain insight around the challenges and decisions you’re facing, and the next best steps to take
live more purposefully, intentionally and impactfully.
You’ll be continually inspired as you start making powerful, measurable and sustainable changes in your life!
Benefits of Core Energy Coaching
iPEC’s Core Energy Coaching process challenges you to discover what you really want and become aware of what’s preventing you from reaching your full potential at home, at work and in your relationships. Through this process, I’ll help you to:
understand how your thoughts and emotions support or undermine your actions and results.
let go of what you think you “should” do and embrace doing what you “choose” to do.
connect your outer goals and strategies with your inner values, purpose and passion.
be more intentional and focused with your time and energy.
Through this process, I will equip you with tools that will help you feel motivated, connected, empowered … able to embrace life with all its challenges and opportunities!
Whether you want to …
make a decision,
work through a transitional time,
reconnect with your heart,
improve your relationships,
or meet your next big challenge
… Personal and Leadership Development Coaching will benefit you and help you find more purpose and joy in your every day!
You’ll be amazed to see how being more intentional and making small changes can create a ripple effect in your life! The results are extraordinary and continuous! It would be a privilege for me to accompany you in this process.